AZCT came at the point when my life was in shambles, when i Lost the Only LOVE i had (Busayo By Name) We were so much in Love that our spirits connect. Within 13months My Love lost her mum and dad in a tragic way, I was still in hi-college then learning computer engineering, I was incapacitated to meet her needs, she fell into the hands of wicked guys and she was raped. Before I knew what to do she got hooked up and have to marry by force. It was one of the evil that ever happens to me.

So the day she broke the news to me about how she was wrongly man-handled, I vowed to God, if he equip me, then i will help girls. Not quite long AZCT was delivered to me, even though my love was irreplace-able yet i’m happy seeing some girls I came accross via AZCT . The little I know about these girls make me happy and i’m happy that at-least Vision Speak. Chinwe is a girl i respected so much, i also like Iron Monkey(Obijuru. V) and very many others.
Pray that God heals my heart. 

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