We tends to produce only godly hands through her scripturally packed computer training. AZCT does her training within Church environments and this is an Opportunity for all churches worldwide to raise God fearing computer operators with us.
Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship It’s made up of vibrant Christian who serve God in truth and in spirit. It’s an interdenominational fellowship that gets saints addicted and useful to God in their various churches.
Voices From Zion: are written under God’s dictate. It’s an All Christian Gospel Bulletin. Anyone around the world can request for the file to print and share anywhere in the world, it carries no human author, no address except the publisher’s contact.
AZCT Education
ONLY GOD CAN DO THIS: There are some certain things in the Bible that no man ability can do. Only God Almighty has the power to them. I want to share some of those things with you. And whatever he does, he watches over it. Bring One Out Of One: Genesis 2:18-25 And the...
BIBLICAL POET 14 Digging into Gods Warming for his faithful servant II Timothy 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, This word is a command for God’s ministers. The word strive also means struggle for,...