I can never forget the day a lady died in my house, March 27, 2019 was a day loaded with awesome surprises and I stilled wondered how God bailed me out of it. I lived in a compound where people referred to me as Pastor because I always pray and talk to people about God, there is one of the lady in the our compound that I have been counselling on how to live right and be a proper child of God and because she had experience God each time I pray for her, in no time she introduce me to her fiancé and I’ve been tremendously used of God for both of them. She left the compound for some months on business and personal engagements and came back four months later, to confess some awkward things she had indulge herself, I led her to Christ again and she vowed to stay-on with Christ and the cinema began.

Actually she complained of stomach pain earlier but the sickness got worse the next day she rededicate her life to Christ, she was taken to Hospital by her elder sister. The day she was to return I fell in a trance where I saw three persons taken to an Hospital and only one survived, while pondering on this and was disturbed in my spirit, I left for church and I began to talk to God about it. While praying that morning in church, I felt like going back home and I did, Immediately I got home, her younger sister  came to informed me about the critical case of her own close friend in the Hospital whom had attended my prayer meeting severally, so I left that morning to pray for her sister who had been admitted two days earlier and her friend in critical condition in two different hospitals.

By 7pm same day March 27th, 2019 her Sister returned and stayed in my room with her fiancé still having some pain after being discharged by the medical personnel, I was happy to received them because she looks healed and had begun to eat well at the same time I received a call from the other lady that she had been let go from the Hospital, so I was happy and overwhelmed with joy not knowing that a journey of a thousand miles begin with a step.

By 11pm that same night the stomach pain started again and the husband to be was helpless and my attention was needed, when I got there I was somehow perplex as I don’t know what to do, while standing and wondering shestretched and died.

Immediately my system changed and I felt like crying, but thank God for good Christians around me, who came in and started praying for her,  they felt her purse and called her name severally until she finally answer in the region of death but she refused to open her eyes and told us that she’s already gone.

At that point everyone began to pour all kinds of holy water, anointing oil and others on her but all to no avail. each time she Jerk, people holding her will be thrown away. while all these battles was on-going, I was outside the window praising God with a loud voice and I heard; My son go inside around 1:30am , so I went in, I saw them pouring different substance on her, the voice came back and said lose the attachment(artificial hair) and remove the gold chain on her neck and we did, immediately she sigh a relief and I brought out a white cloth (blessed mantle) and wiped her face with it and she opened her eyes and began to ask us what has happened when she saw herself stack naked and surrounded with so many people. Ayo. A

Reflection: The end result of marine and familiar spirit (spirit husband and wife) is unfulfilment and untimely death. If you know you are affected, you better seek God for total deliverance. Thank God that Mauyon lives and doing fine but it’s an issue of one in a thousand.