Ayonimyte Zion Computer Training
Ayonimyte Zion Computer Training
Ayonimyte Zion Computer Training
Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship
Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship
Be Wise
Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship
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We tends to produce only godly hands through her scripturally packed computer training. AZCT does her training within Church environments and this is an Opportunity for all churches worldwide to raise God fearing computer operators with us. 



Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship It’s made up of vibrant Christian who serve God in truth and in spirit. It’s an interdenominational fellowship that gets saints addicted and useful to God in their various churches. 


Voices From Zion: are written under God’s dictate. It’s an All Christian Gospel Bulletin. Anyone around the world can request for the file to print and share anywhere in the world, it carries no human author, no address except the publisher’s contact. 



AYONIMYTE BIBLICAL POETS 12 A gaze into the warning in Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. Anger will...



AYONIMYTE BIBLICAL POETS 11 Looking into the meaning of Jesus sayings in Mark 10:28-30 There is what to do to connect one to heavenly provisions. People do a whole lot...



ILLUMINATION You are welcome to the spotlight of heaven. Where all darkness will disappear from you. It's obvious some are born in a dark world by parent living in the...

Join us on RADIO This Week:

Tuesday: 9pm-10:30 (WAT)

Wednesday: 9am-11am (WAT)

Friday: 4pm-6pm (WAT)

One of the word that came this month that is a great blessing to me is Don’t Struggle with God. From that day till now God has been working and I need not to struggle for things to be done. Olubukola K
Halluluyah, I have been on a project in my field of profession which I need a Google approval for a pass but all they require I submitted yet they still required another thing that I couldn’t get on time, while taking my time on how to get the approval, I came over to Jesus house for sharing of VFZ, after which we pray and heard a great meeting. By Friday Morning I received an e-mail that I need not any other approval, they gave the pass and also God just opened two great doors of blessings for me. One of my longtime client said to me that we own his company together and paid money into my account. I thank God for his blessings. Erisan D
Praise God, one of the word I Caught from come and hear his voice Holyghost Baptism was that Holyghost fire is for us and not to be use against our enemies. Holyghost fire according to Matthew 3:11-12 is to burn every chaff in us but we can engage the consuming Fire Hebrew 12:29 against the devil and his cohorts. Also during our teachings in the fellowship I received a word that really helped me; which is people will want to re-define your life according to their opinion but don’t allow it because God has already defined you in his word. Emma. A

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