God is Here, I can say that again and again, from day one of this training till now, his faithfulness never failed. We enjoyed divine presence and covering upon us all, in all our classes and sessions, spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding was visible as participants worked on the computer systems easily and without any strains or stress. AZCT is a God ordained ministry given to his Son Ayonitemi Ayodele using the instrumentality of teaching computer programs because he said to him TAKE YOUR JOB TO ZION. But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, *To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, *And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel. Hebrew 12:22-24 here is my claim *none of this newly released eagles can defraud, defile or be a rebel in any organization or in any area of human endeavours because they’ve been schooled for few months four times a week in God’s presence even in God’s house. They are destiny going somewhere to happen. 

The following testimonies proved that God in the midst of his people is indeed mighty.

The instructor Ayonitemi Ayodele has imparted my life in so many ways; academically, morally and financially. God has been seeing us through since I joined this computer training in this church; providing for us in my family, granted me success in my GCE Examination, I was healed from my illness.

Opara Chidinma.

The instructor Ayonitemi Ayodele is a very nice man, he’s a good person and a man of good morals, his best dress colour is white T-shirt on black trouser, his hobbies are fasting and breaking the fasting with zobo and minimie chinchin. He makes the class funny and interesting, he’s so lovely, he imparted with the word of God and the stories he shared in the class makes me a better person. God healed me from my health issues, and send helpers to us in my family even those that have long forgotten us. My best lecture was on the 4th December 2018 because of the way we praised God, it makes the class very interesting.

Timileying Salami.

The instructor Ayonitemi Ayodele is a man full with inspiration of God, he knows how to make sad person happy, how I wish I could be like him; through his teaching in the few months of this training, made me understand that prayer and fasting is the right tool to use when challenged. He always make mention of something in the class ‘no one will lack anything throughout this training’ that is it! I do found grace and favour in the sight of my siblings in-fact my sister promised me a new android Phone before the end of this December as prophesied by the instructor. My mum who was booked for operation gave birth to a baby boy by herself and she’s alive and well with the baby. 

Simon Falade.

Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele is a simple but strict man, very jovial and religious too. He imparts computer knowledge. He can be called one in a million because he is somehow strange, different and special. He has really imparted me, I noticed changes in the way I behave, my character and now I’m a changed person my testimony has no bounds. When I wanted to pay for the certificate, my uncle whom I had called severally for sometimes now, who didn’t pick my calls suddenly picked and sent me N5000.00 without asking him, and many other blessings. Kareem Esther.

Ayonitemi Ayodele is a God fea
ring funny, motivator, teacher, lecturer mentor, his teaching is superb. God answered my prayers in this computer training, there is a place that always pains me each time I’m menstruating and I always use drug but the pain always comes back, but while we were praying during the last day of our 21 days prayer and fasting Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele told us to touch wherever is paining us, and I did, I touched my stomach, to the glory of God, whenever I’m menstruating now, I experience no pain again. Thanks to God, also before I used to looked down on myself, but through the insructor’s impart I regained my confidence, now on-top of my world, going forward. Bunmi Ojo

I never believed I can really understand computer in this kind of training because I dreamt about it before but now I can called myself computer literate because I’m now good on it, and the prayers uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele usually pray for us, works a lot in my life.

Oluleke AnuOluwapo

Master Ayonitemi Ayodele is an instructor and yet a pastor inside. He is a man of truth and not even that only, he is well mannered, he plays with children, slow to anger, and he follows God’s direction. He said what we can’t do before we will be doing it, as he prayed for us something came back on me. So I give God all the glory, for restoring me back. FIRSTBORN Yes sir! Oniyide Samuel.

Ayonitemi Ayodele Prioritize God. He puts God first in everything. He explains with Bible quotes. I learnt to put God first in everything I’m doing. I became born again; accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour through him here. His word and teachings imparts knowledge, which has helped to solve most of my problems. Now I feel much closer to God and know how much God he Loves me. I gained a lot in this training, my father’s job which was challenged begin to go well. Each time I looked back to the past I just can’t but give glory to God for the changes in my life he helped me to stop every bad behaviour. I thank him for the gift of firstborn. Every bondage has been broken, also grateful for promisin
g admission into higher institution.

Fatima Kareem.
In this training one day, I had headaque, he prays for me, when I got home, I was healed without taking any drug. Coreldraw is my best lecture. Mubaraq Bello.

The main instructor Ayonitemi has imparted me a lot. He makes me computer literate. Before they brought computer training to our Church, I went to a business centre to do something on system. The spirit of God was telling me that I can do something like this, as I was still meditating on it to go and learn at my age, it always looks like magic to me whenever I see people operating the computer system. To my surprise My Pastor called me that they want to use the church for free computer training. 

When we started, I wanted to step out because I did not really understand it, then the instructor encourage and pray with us and arrange a special class for me. I’m now computer literate. I was using eyeglasses for years both sight for reading. I was in the class one day, as I wanted to write from the board. I put on my glass but to my surprise I was unable to see what he wrote on the board so I removed the glass and cleanse it, and put it on again and same thing happened. I removed it and I could see and write everything. God shows to me his almightiness. Very soon I’m moving to a new apartment, God uses the instructor to flogged and touch me to put all my life and my best in God’s work no matter the circumstances. 

Mrs D. Ojo

The God of AZCT delivered me from the aim of evil; it all started November 29th 2018. I felt stomach pain but it wasn’t that much, meanwhile my mum warned me not to eat any how food because he had a terrible dream about me. On the 2nd December 2018, the stomach got worsen that I can’t even eat that same day my granny also warned me to watch what am eating that I should not collect anything from friend likewise my dad too. I don’t want to go to training that day but my mind was pushing me to go, I went and I feel the same at first but towards the ending I noticed that am hungry and the stomach is no more paining me, I don’t even know how it happened but I know it’s God’s doing. All my prayer comes true the God of AZCT healed me spiritually and physically, I appreciate his holy name. As the Lord impact me through Master Ayonitemi Ayodele. Deborah Omidokun.

The main instructor has imparted me through the word of God which always makes me feel happy everyday I remembered his teachings. I always thank God for giving opportunity to witness AZCT FIRSTBORN computer training. The prayers we use to pray in this training has helped me and my family 
a lot, especially my brother our firstborn in the family who had never thought of getting married once at about 40years old but after our seven days prayer and fasting I was glad to hear that my brother will be doing his introduction on December 16th, and getting married to the kind woman we want in our family. My eldest Sister who nobody thought will graduate successfully out of hi-institution but I prayed for her and my entire family during our 21days long Prayer and fasting. Not quite long my mother was called that she will be doing her convocation on 14th of Dec 2018. Even though my friends discouraged me from coming and mocked me severally while coming to this training; when I finally paid for my handouts they were disappointed. They were so sad to hear that am among those graduating here December 15th. All the teachings of uncle Ayo is now in my brain that I’m even thinking of using my WAEC money to buy a computer system. I received the touch of God on December 3rd 2018 in this training, and God has been changing my life from grass to grace, sending helpers to me from that day. Opeoluwa O

I Thank God for the Salvation of my soul and for the computer knowledge I have acquired here. Before I joined this training everything was so tight, but since I started coming, God has been good to me and how I paid al
l my dues was miraculous and unexpected. Also I remembered that I use to have some body pain every night which have defiled medication but thank God the day uncle said we should touch wherever is paining us, I did and the pain ceased till today. Olabamiji Blessing

God delivered me from auto accident during this training. On Tuesday morning, I went to deliver some goods at Agege as early as 7:30am. On my way back the bike man tha
t carried me was on high speed which I warned him but wouldn’t listen. Suddenly we were face to face with a so close trailer on high speed; I thought I will die that day but only the bike man was injured. I thank God for he has not given me as a prey to my enemy’s teeth. Abimbola Jeffrey

My Testimony is that I use to have headaque every Sunday when it’s time to go to Church but the instructor (Ayontemi) prayed for me and since then it never happens again. (—–)
The main instructor has really imparted me in this training with the word of God and with what I had wanted to learn over the years. I have been asking my dad for the certificate fee for some days now and he will say that I should stop disturb
ing him. On the day we brought Anointing oil to the class and we are anointed. The next day I didn’t ask him for the money but he called me and gave it to me, praise the Lord! God has touched me in this training because I have not been eating in the dream again. Obisesan Awwal

The main instructor has really imparted me positively. Ever since I started coming to this training; I noticed changes in the way I behave, I now read my Bible everyday and ge
t closer to God. Now I feel very free to move my problems to God and I even pray very often.

Many more testimonies in the training were a great miracle to me and even wonder how I’ve been able to learn so much in just three months. I have been receiving financial blessings favours from God and I pray that God bless Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele in abundance. Kareem Esther

My first testimony is that before we started this training I sat for GCE examination and finished on Oct 4th 2018 and I joined this training three or four days later. I have bee
n telling God I don’t want to fail my exam, and on the last day of our 21days prayer and fasting on Monday 19th Nov. 2018. I checked my result on Friday and I made it. Secondly all the pains I have been having have left me since the day the prayer and fasting ended. Lastly, in this Computer training I gave my life to Christ through the instructor. Olawole Joshua

The first day I came in to this training I saw the Manifestation of God. When we were told to pray for our parents, I did and my certificate was paid for as my dad who says no money, gave me the money. I noticed that anytime I run I will be feeling pain in my man-organ(Penn*s) but on that day as the instructor told us to lay our hands on wherever is paining us and prayed for us, I never experienced such thing again. Finally God did a special miracle for me, I found it difficult to learn each time they are teaching me something either in school or wherever, I don’t normally grabbed it but to God be the glory when I started attend this AZCT training God has giving more knowledge. Clement Falade

More systems, projectors, printers, scanners and other computer accessaries are needed, to train more free. Office for post training, and very many other equipment required.

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Tel: +2348035014557
