Testimony From AZF

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio This contained of Good reports of Members of Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship; Updated from time to time as we fellowship together. GOOD REPORT Praise God! actually, am new in the faith and growing but my husband is yet to be saved, so it...


SCAMS and FRAUD Practices are not the right way to a better life and better nation. you are never free from your act. The world of today is no longer a safe place to be as dubious business has taken over our streets nooks and cranny of every country of the world...


To be sincere and candid, Ayonitemi Ayodele’s teaching and training impact my life so much In terms of Praying, fasting and seriousness. I had lost hope of becoming computer literate but with the help of this computer training my hope is rekindled as I’ve learnt. I...


Today’s meeting was great and awesome, we had a good time together, in-fact I’m impressed to receive aunty-Esther. T; She’s just a Loving Heart. She promoted AZCT with her testimony, finance and morally, she is rear among so many AZCT Participants. This lady is a...

AZCT: Girls I Respected

AZCT came at the point when my life was in shambles, when i Lost the Only LOVE i had (Busayo By Name) We were so much in Love that our spirits connect. Within 13months My Love lost her mum and dad in a tragic way, I was still in hi-college then learning computer...

A Gospel Minister’s Experience 1

I can never forget the day a lady died in my house, March 27, 2019 was a day loaded with awesome surprises and I stilled wondered how God bailed me out of it. I lived in a compound where people referred to me as Pastor because I always pray and talk to people about...
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