God has used Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele to impart me to believed that all things are possible with God. Now I Love God to the extent that if I say anything it comes true; it will happen if it’s the time for it to happen. I remembered one evening I told God it should rain because I want to sleep and it started raining within two minutes.  I CAN ALSO SEE God working in my life and my family, he has not allow us to beg and he has been providing for our needs. Adejoro T

I partook of the 21days prayer and fasting and my incessant sickness before examinations vanished. Usually my body will be hot and I will not be well but it was a different story as I have prayed about it in our 21days prayer and fasting. CorelDraw is the computer program I like most because it brings together all the tools you need to design and publish graphics.  Ajibade Abosede

I thank God for making me to start this computer training well and finished it strong, I don’t know anything about computer but master Ayonitemi Ayodele taught me and I was able to understand it also God has been providing for my parents to pay our (me and siblings) school fees.

 Bankole Paul

Friends and Ogunsowo Esther pose with Ayonimyte


God has really used the man Ayonitemi Ayodele kind, jovial loving spiritual and disciplinary man to imparted me. I heard about this training in a discussion in Church and I said to my self I want to see that man who can be that spiritual when still single. I’m computer literate; I only wanted to add his knowledge on computer to mine and want to know more about the theory aspect of the computer more. The short period I want to spend in the training is also due to the long distance I was coming from because I have to spend up to N500 per lesson day.

Lo and behold for the T-fare God has really being providing and opening doors. It wasn’t only the computer aspect he has imparted me but in a righteous spiritual way, having more understanding on how to use the scriptures (word of God) to pray during fasting and prayers, to my surprise I went beyond my normal 3 and 7 days fasting with tiredness to the class announced 21days fasting and prayers praying and not get weary once.

His teaching section is always Muah! Even before practical you understood what he means and what he his saying, teaching like AZCT is rear. I tell you!

What of the preaching section, it always awesome the word may hit you like thorns but believe me they are genius word a Christian must listened to, not just normal preaching you have been hearing or listening to, they are word you ought to know and understand to become an overcomer, dominion, to be righteous in other to make heaven.

The praying and praise section is waoh! he will always lead a point of prayer that will meet your life need or prayer point you have been wondering on how to say it. It’s a section you won’t  want to missed out, he uses all his strength to sing and dance the way his God can understand him showing appreciation without minding anyone.

God really blessed me during the fastings in this training, someone that has stopped being generous to me for the past year, remembered me and sent me money twice. God also perfected mine admission to the university. Ayo Ogunsowo

God has used Ayonitemi Ayodele for my spiritual growth, I pray that God will continue to bless you sir, more so God has been good to me since I have been  coming to this computer training, his grace and mercy upon me has been abundantly; beautifying me and I thank God for all he has done for me. Ikpeh Victor.




Apoti-Eri Daniel with Ayonimyte and the teachers
All Participants Posing with The Class Captain: Paul Bankole
The youngest in the Class: Apoti Eri Daniel
Prayer Session
Instructor Posing with Ajibade Abosede
Show your Certificate.
Please note that Sharper Pictures will soon be posted on AZCT Gallery.

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