Many people have lost focus because of delayed answers. When you do the best you knew how to do and yet no result, what comes to your mind? When you pray all prayers, you know how to pray, give all you can and engage spiritual and other principles yet no (answer) result. What do you think after?

Irrespective of your thought God remain ever faithful and He is I am that I am. Our faith may fail, but God’s faithfulness will never fail. Our words may not be heard but God’s word shatters our darkness. On the basis of receiving all that God have for us that has not gotten to our hand Voices From Zion is written titled: Receiving Delayed Answers our text is Daniel 10:12-14 which says (Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.)

The authentic proof of answered prayers is result. You may pray but until you pray-through their may be no breakthrough and the word pray-through has to do with locating all the forces that will get our prayer answered, before we unveil the forces let us examine prayers. PRAYERS: can take various forms in-fact there are some things that we are doing (as a Christian) that are equal to prayers before the Lord.

  1. Pondering On The Way Out: whenever you are pondering on the way out of an issue, it is equal to prayers as Christian. Today you will think your way through to breakthrough in Jesus name. Whenever you engage in searching the answers to a bogging question, you are asking for the way out; that’s equal to prayer, because whenever you pray, you expect answers.
  2. Longing: This is also equals to prayer because you are expecting it to come through. Let us learn to expect divine manifestation. You must have long for a thing before you say it before the Lord. If you are not expecting and you are praying (in words) their will be no answers. Story of a man on the wheel chair in one of the Oral Robert (USA) crusade, This man told Oral Robert; He said ‘Oral I’m suppose to be heal today! The man of God look at him direct, laid his hands upon him and he stood up immediately and began to walk. Without longing for answer you better don’t pray because there will be no answer Isaiah 41:17-18
  3. Giving: Some has said giving is living that is true, also giving is praying why? You are asking for more. (Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.) Proverbs 3:9-10 The scriptures above prove that whenever we give we will receive. Whenever we pray we expect answers. Whenever you give, you will not receive as a beggar. Some always receive whenever people pity their condition, but if giving becomes your way of life, people will be giving to you and begging you to collect it. Giving is a form of prayer, because as you give heaven organizes how you receive. Keep giving and you will not struggle to receive.
  4. Sacrificial Service: Service is also equal to prayer, because you are expecting at the end of the day. Service is render in the church as a choir, usher, counsellor, churchwarden e.t.c you can serve people by making those things they need available for them at your own cost expecting your reward from God. You can serve your nation diligently. Any service you render as sacrifice equals to prayer and change of level will be the result. Servant will not be left, as a servant one-day servant will become master. If you want to be great in your nation, serve her faithfully. If you want to be a vessel unto honour, abound with blessings serve God obediently. (Job 36:11 If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.)

Haven’t done all you should do the answers must arrive. Some long for that thing yet no divine attention; some gave seed, offering, tithe and still have to beg, with all the sacrificial service they rendered yet nothing to show. From our running text Daniel 10:12-14 we discovered that principality called Prince of Persia are responsible for delay of answers. ( …the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days:…) Therefore, I decree

  • Every force delaying your blessing destroyed in Jesus name.
  • Every element of waste is curse in your life.
  • From now on those evil forces that withstood you from receiving good result are cursed in Jesus name.

I want you to start celebrating for the blessing ahead of you this month, God will surprise you. The problem of most men is that they hardly appreciate written words yet in these written words your answers is too sure. I decree judgment into the camp of your enemies. One-day prayer and fasting is enough to withdraw your hanging inheritance. It does not matter what is resisting you, what matters is God backing you up. I want you to appreciate this fact that there are unseen forces that operate in the lives of people. There are spiritual high powers that hinder people’s blessings and if you don’t engage in a cry of victory, standing before God to destroy every evil force, you will remain stagnated. Daniel (in the Holy Bible) was highly respected; a man of excellence yet the demons does not respect him. They hindered his prayers from being answered for 21 days and if he had done nothing about it the answer would have remain hanged. I pray for you today that God will disappoint your enemies. God will dispossess your enemy off your possession. You will shout a great shout of joy this month. Make your ways right before God and receive all your hanging blessing in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus loves you.


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