I want to say a big thank you to Jesus. Sometimes last year I took loan of huge amount of money to invest in a business but it doesn’t yield to my expectation. I tried to pay up as I promised but I couldn’t just pay, but I was threaten and disturbed, so I ran around and I could pay half of the money last year November 2021, but the disturbance to pay up the balance continued, up until this three weeks training started April 4th 2022. All the same within this short three weeks program I was able to pay up without feeling it by the blessings of God as a result of our prayers in this training. Mrs Adebola R.O

This is awesome to me: Some years ago. precisely 2015, a friend invited me to a six weeks free computer training where we both were the instructors. He was of the other faith, he wasn’t a Christian but my spirits agreed to join him, then the show began. Each time I’m teaching the students my spirit will be fired up with John 3:16-18 but I found it difficult to share it because the training was done in a business place and about 90% of the class are not Christians and dressed in their faith to class but as the spirit of God won’t let me but speak the fiery words and I opened my mouth wide and he began to speak through me, the words were ‘if you are not born again you are not alright, it’s a prove that you are not normal, if you are not born again you are out of your mind with all the Biblical and physical proves around you that Jesus is the only saviour then you need to check your brain. I told them you are a condemn property if you don’t surrender your life to Christ, to my surprise no one single assault on my person and to the glory of God they all responded to my altar call and some were saved and my friend is a Christian today and a strong member of a Church, some of the folks in the class then are still doing well in the Lord today.
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