This contained of Good reports of Members of Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship; Updated from time to time as we fellowship together.


Praise God! actually, am new in the faith and growing but my husband is yet to be saved, so it happened that I followed him last week to the bus-stop, to see him off to work, when I turned back and expecting him to enter public bus, I heard in my spirit to hang around and I did, I saw him crossing the road back and I followed from afar as he hug a lady and went into a house; I was furious but control myself and went to report him to his sister, who narrated to me that they have both been together for a while now and he rented her that apartment. He warned me not to let you know, but I’m a woman too, I can’t take it also. That was the issue as I came to tell our minister here, he told me to get him bottle water and he blessed it. I use the water to cook and make sure everybody drank part of the water in the house. After few days my husband confessed the whole story to me and vow never to go back to her, Thank you Jesus. Mrs Alaba. A

I thank God for his mighty hand upon my life, these days people use to say that they prefer my hands to do their hair for them, I’m a hairdresser I thank God for that. Also if anything want to happen in my life and family I do see it ahead of time, I give God all the glory, I also thank because I made it in my last 2021 UTME examination.   Olubukola. E

I thank God for divine provision and strength in this ongoing training (AZCT JUDGMENTS). Also some two weeks ago I was crossing the main highway at Ikeja along; I totally forgot to use the pedestrian bridge because I was rushing to catch up with something important.  I couldn’t run back  because I was in the middle of the road before I remembered the consequences. I fell into the hands of law enforcement agency and explained to them but  they refused and said that I will pay a fine of N5000.00 and if I can’t that they will move me into the black Maria. All of a sudden the boss called me and said what do I do for living and I told him that am a web developer and he said he has a website and he need someone to manage it for him, we began to talk business  and after we exchange contact he let me go free without paying a dime. From that point I knew that divine presence is real.

It been a while now that the instructor has been warning concerning a job that may land one in prison, there is this client that I failed to deliver his job at the set date but being an international and well connected man he begin to threat but I yet promised to wrap up his job and deliver it soonest(on a particular Friday). He was a hard man; I returned from fellowship and found several threat messages from him to refund his money. He said he knew that I can’t refund him his money because I’m too poor to do that. Though truly I don’t have the money but I looked up to God and he heard my voice and I was able to refund him, he became dumbfounded. I thank God for not putting me to shame. Dami E


Testimony from Miracle Explosion

Thank you sir, I want to say a big thank you to Jesus. I had a great encounter with Voices From Zion; what happened was that when it was given to me and I read it, I actually Love it, the title I was given was Divine Elect. When I wanted to sleep in the night, something told me to place it under my pillow which I did, in my dream that night I saw a man sitting on my son, when I woke up, It dawn on me that the seemingly nice man was an evil person. During come and hear his voice special MIRACLE EXPLOSION, November 20th/2021 we were given several copies of VOICES FROM ZION to read and share and I took it home. Some days after I became ill that I couldn’t get out of bed, my husband came to woke me up but I was so light, just that I am a kind of person that I hadly fall sick but if I should fall sick once then I must get admitted in the hospital…but I simply took one of the bulletin and stuck it in my body underneath my dress as the Spirit of God directed me, it was there the whole day. All of a sudden all ailments, pain and aches left me without being admitted into the hospital. In fact I became very agile and begin to shout God of Ayonitemi Ayodele thank you O.

I have a testimony, last week Friday that I came to the fellowship here; I actually came to be fortified and I was really fortified by the presence of Almighty God here. There is a woman, a landlady that have been a terror to her tenants in our neighbourhood and nobody dare her because of her fetish powers but my husband went and confronted her, which sent fear alerts into my heart but I also remembered that I brought a bottle water to be blessed last Friday, which was prayed into, so I sprinkle the water around our house and there have been no evil occurrence but the main reason I’m sharing this testimony was that my daughter went and drank the blessed water without my knowledge. She do have serious menstrual pain every month she has her flow, but she had it this week normal, without any noticeable sign of discomfort and no pain after drinking the water, so I said may God’s  Holy name be praise forever. Also I was led by God to attend Come and Hear His Voice last Month December, on my way home I was sharing our bulletin. A man I knew appeared to me in the dream and was reigning curses and enchantment on me that I will be dead but I thought it was just an ordinary dream, days later I fell ill and barely breathe there and then it occurs to me that, that was the reason I attended Come and hear His Voice, so I begin to pray and the God that I have served here. Brought me out of it, after attending Fellowship on Friday and I was prayed for, the man that appeared to me fell ill literally and nearly died, then I knew that people might look innocent but devilish. All Glory to God.  Mrs T. George.

Good Reports From AZF

Praise God, one of the word I Caught from come and hear his voice Holyghost Baptism was that Holyghost fire is for us and not to be use against our enemies. Holyghost fire according to Matthew 3:11-12 is to burn every chaff in us but we can engage the consuming Fire Hebrew 12:29 against the devil and his cohorts. Also during our teachings in the fellowship I received a word that really helped me; which is people will want to re-define your life according to their opinion but don’t allow it because God has already defined you in his word. Emma. A

One of the word that came this month that is a great blessing to me is Don’t Struggle with God. From that day till now God has been working and I need not to struggle for things to be done. Olubukola K

Halluluyah, I have been on a project in my field of profession which I need a Google approval for a pass but all they require I submitted yet they still required another thing that I couldn’t get on time, while taking my time on how to get the approval, I came over to Jesus house for sharing of VFZ, after which we pray and heard a great meeting. By Friday Morning I received an e-mail that I need not any other approval, they gave the pass and also God just opened two great doors of blessings for me. One of my longtime client said to me that we own his company together and paid money into my account. I thank God for his blessings. Erisan D

Testimonies are the acts of God…Send us your testimonies to boost the Faith of Others as we Publish it in our next edition.