My Definition Of Love:

  • Love is helping someone you have capacity and less capacity to help.
    • Love is make someone happy that is not happy or having trouble of heart.
    • Love is showing genuine concern coming from a heart that cares.
    • Love is when you chose to abide with who others reject to clean-up and to help out.
    • Love is lifting the downtrodden, throwing a life-line to someone dying.
    • Love is making sure you impart someone with all the grace strength and ability you have.
    • Love is maintaining focus when things are out of shape.
    • Love is being bent on making life better for someone you truly Love.
    • Love is never offended even when the one you Love failed you.
    • Love is saying yes when the tides of life makes others says no.
    • Love is doing what God tells you to do in the life of any.
    • Love is giving your whole life to the betterment of who you(or those you) Love.
    • Love is destiny worth dying for.
    • Love is seeing a problem and choosing to solve the problem.
    • Love is praying for another.
    • Love is being happy when others succeeded in your stead.
    • Love is giving it all it takes to make life better for your Lover.
    • True Love comes when two of a kind agreed to be together.

What’s your own Definition of Love?

Relevant Biblical Texts: Matthew 22:37-40, Song of Solomon 4

Compiled and Published By

Ayonitemi Ayodele


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