It’s good to note that God’s ways are higher ways and may not agree with ordinary human sense. In fact it takes the man of the spirit to know the whiles of the devil. The devil came in form of serpent to Adam and Eve. One of the reasons they fell was that, they never sees the devil inside the snake. So also today many find it difficult to detect the force behind some happenings and I will like to dwell on the issues of FINDING A WOMAN to marry. Most Christian men got hooked up to problems they had today by disobedient or lack of discernment.

  1. A Lady/or any girl that is always being fascinated by your act may end up seducing you.
  2. She looks at you, walks round you or even dressed gorgeous to catch you.
  3. She always look forward for your comment on things she does.
  4. She wants you to be her friend.
  5. She always recommends you, calls you and reports issues to you; don’t deceive yourself ‘she’s after you.

God didn’t made women to find men even in this days of this responsible men scarcity, God still give good husband and honourable daughters in marriage. Do not fall into the hand of seducers; do not allow your status of being single moved you into everlasting regret.

If A Woman Proposed:

It’s very wrong for any woman to proposed to a man which is in dual way either oral or action. In Christian fold a godly lady may sees who will marry her first ever before she comes to approach her, yes! it’s possible but seduction is never the right way to communicate divine plantings. If God shown you your husband; abide with God until he God in his own way bring both of you together and that is more honourable.

If you noticed that a lady is always coming to you not just to be a friend but to have you: RUN! If you fall into that trap, she will Lord it over you in marital relationship. Many ladies had being deceived by the devil which have turned most of them to seducers and evil women The Scripture says in 2Timothy 3:13 that …But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.


It has been noticed that what attract males to females is the attraction on the females; it’s now time to go beyond attraction to assessment and prayers. Men are to find and to speak to whoever they found. Women are to seek the right counsel about whoever came to them, God is to confirm it if he orchestrated it or annul it if it isn’t his plan.


The devil is on the rampage looking for young men and young women to destroy but by the grace of God and the POWER that parts the sea; your destiny shall not be destroyed in Jesus name!

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
BE WISE Published by Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship.

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