But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Amos 5:23-24
You are welcome to AZCT JUDGMENTS seminar 1. What do we need in this present time, we need judgments because wickedness is on the high side and at alarming rate. The solution to the problems of this age is in JUDGMENTS. Our focus in this first part is, who are the people that God will use to wrought this Judgments:
- Enoch: Genesis 5:22-24 men and women that will walk in the integrity of faith not those with evil mind to loot the treasury of the nation. God will be using men and women that are free from the corruption of the hour to wrought his judgments. He will use Holy hands like Enoch.
- Job: Job 1:1-4 God is looking for men and women like job in characteristics. Stealing, frauds, scams, wanting to get rich by any means are evil. Looking for ways to destroy system of peace is evil, yet the blood of Jesus can cleanses us from our sins.
But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Amos 5:23-24
Without Judgments this generation is doom. Until judgments come to seat, suffering continues. How to allow Judgments run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream?
- Change Of Minds: Philippians 2:5 Possess the mind of Christ and let it rule your mind. We all need to possess a sanctify mind and purify ourselves from the rubbish of the hour. Let judgments run as waters, hate wickedness, reject fraud, hate stealing and stand against every work of destroying human lives. Many of us have come to belief that online scam fraud and taking what’s not yours is normal, never! Psalm 51:17, Luke 15:17 It shall not be well with the wicked. Rise against wickedness until we together call for judgments, It won’t come God is out against online scammers and fraudsters.
- Let Your Righteousness Glitters: Yes let it glitters so that they will know you are not part of them. God is set to fight for this present age if we will allow him Isaiah 62:1-2 Live righteously and soberly. Titus 2:12. Don’t join them. Hate workers of iniquity. Let’s together sanctify this nation. Jesus cares!
Yahooyahoo boys: Judgments has Come!
Online Scammers: Judgments has Come!
Fraudsters: Judgments has Come!Bad Government: Judgments has Come!
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