Peace and Progress of this nation is everyone’s duty. I have by the grace and help of God trained some young folks and put brighter light in them to stand against Scams and Fraud which will in turn make our nation a safe place to dwell. The rate of abduction, ritual killings, corruption in systems, robbery, online fraud can be totally eradicated from our nation if you and I will make it a responsibility. Moreso this is the high time for everyone in scams and fraudulent practices to stop because Judgments has come. I tell you blood of the wicked will spill as the Lord God of Host has said to me. God’s eyes is on you. This is the right time to change.

1. God used uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele to impart me in this AZCT JUDGMENTS; during when I was sick and I came from Lagos to the main centre, then I started vomiting after he has finished teaching, he anointed me with anointing oil on my head and said ‘It’s well with your soul’ after sometimes I was healed from the headaque, God provided for my parents and deliver my senior sister from electric shock. Adeniran Damilola
2. God has used Ayonitemi Ayodele for me in this very AZCT JUDGMENTS; I now know how to switched on, operate computer and I can run most program on it; Through his teaching and devotion I became filled with the word of God. He has also imparted me to go against fraud and scams. Justus Odoemena
3. God has used Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele to bless me in so many ways. Before whenever I asked my dad for money for clothing, feeding and other things necessary for my upbringing he will not give me. So I prayed about it during the 21days fasting and prayer that God should restore Love back to my family but I do not see any changes until one day that Uncle Ayo said that we should come with natural flower. On that faithful Saturday he prayed on the flower. When I got home my dad ask me direct what did I need, I cleared my eyes very well may be I was not dreaming and I realized it was not a dream. Since then I have been enjoying the mercy of God. My dad also told me that the graduation that he said he would not pay that he will pay for it. The anointing oil that was blessed for us by Uncle Ayo in this training for us is also working for me as neighbours; friends’ class mate and relative are now talking cheerfully with me and care for me. I couldn’t believe myself that such will ever happen to me because I was imparted in my studies too, there are some subjects I have not been good in but since the day I entered into AZCT JUDGMENTS I’ve been the best in those subjects in my school . I Thank Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele Oluwasegun for his Love and care he has for his students. No man like him. Thank you sir. Ololade Adebiyi
4. The Lord had used my instructor Ayonitemi Ayodele to have an impact on my life through his preaching and sharing of Voices From Zion. Ihave seen positive changes in my life. My parents now care for me unlike before that they don’t have my time, talk less of caring for me but after giving my mom some Voices From Zion. She began to change her behaviours towards me. I thank God and also thank my instructor. May the Lord bless him! My experience with Uncle Ayo has been a good one ever since he has been teaching us about scams and fraud. Now I know what to do and shouldn’t. Fathia Abidogun
5. I thank God for my life because I couldn’t fast to 6pm before. After praying on the flower that Saturday, the servant of God Mr Ayo said we should give it to an opposite sex, so I gave mine to my senior sister. The next day her boss (doctor) promoted her from casual to a staff with change of uniform. When she return back home suitors were just coming as am speaking to you now her marriage planning has started and someone promised her a car. Also I have been scam several times but the teachings of Mr Ayo against Scams and Fraud delivered me. To God be the glory. Divine Michael
6. Sincerely speaking I have been awesomely blessed. It’s a privilege knowing such a great man of God. I wish him that almighty God will keep lifting him up and his family. This training has really being crucifying and nailing to the cross. Oke Luke
7. God has used Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele in my life so many times in this AZCT JUDGMENTS, there was a day I told him that I have one sickness during our twenty one days fasting and it is affecting me badly and that’s the reason I can’t fast the whole 21days. It was a bad nose bleeding. After the twenty one day he said everyone that has any sickness should kneel down, he laid his hands on me and prayed, after a week it came to my mind that I have not bleed for the past week. It was a great surprise to me and I told my mother about it, she was surprise too. Since then I have not experience that sickness again.
During this training, after our 21days prayer and fasting Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele ask us to come to class with fruits and we did. After he finished praying on the fruit in the class. When I got home I gave my sick father the fruit and I took some part of it. The next morning my father woke up looking good and healthy; he told me that he isn’t feeling pain anymore and fully recovered.
AZCT is the best training I have ever attended; I remembered the day he blessed drink and goodies as holy communion in the class, I gave it to my mum and she was healed totally after two days, my dad also took part and since then there have been no complain of body pain and sickness in our home. God also used me to deliver my dad from being scam as Mr Ayo has trained us. I cannot share all of mine experiences; they are too many to count. AZCT the best training I have ever attended. Joy G. Friday (Class Captain)
8. God has used Mr Ayo in my Life in so many ways; I don’t really know anything about computer before until I came to AZCT JUDGMENTS and I knew that the little I knew will take me far to greater places in life. He also imparts me with the things of God and learns to put God First in anything. When Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele bless communion for us in the class I took it to My assistant pastor who has been very sick and could not stand up to his feet, he partook of the blood and flesh of Jesus. When I went to Church on Sunday I heard that he has stood up on his feet and walked; I was very happy. He later came to me and prayed for me for being an helper to him. I thank God for bringing Mr Ayonitemi Ayodele into my life. He has been a blessing to me, my church and family. Happiness Friday

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