SCAMS and FRAUD Practices are not the right way to a better life and better nation. you are never free from your act. The world of today is no longer a safe place to be as dubious business has taken over our streets nooks and cranny of every country of the world today. the word of God says But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
Peace and Progress of this nation is everyone’s duty. I have by the grace and help of God trained some young folks and put brighter light in them to stand against Scams and Fraud which will in turn make our nation a safe place to dwell. The rate of abduction, ritual killings, corruption in systems, robbery, online fraud can be totally eradicated from our nation if you and I will make it a responsibility. Moreso this is the high time for everyone in scams and fraudulent practices to stop because Judgments has come. I tell you blood of the wicked will spill as the Lord God of Host has said to me. God’s eyes is on you. This is the right time to change.

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