It’s real that our world is affected by the deadly disease called Corona Virus. Many countries had not find solution to it, the number of infected people increased on daily basis. An infectious disease that has led to lockdown of many business ventures can not be a play. Presidents of countries, Governor of states, leaders of cities, emperor of regions and all classes of kings have all run into hiding because of COVID 19. Very many countries are labouring hard to eject Corona Virus from their place which led to total lockdown in most country of the world today as at March-April 2020.

This was what one of the medical practitioner I engage in a talk said about Covid 19:-

Good evening everyone.

Just want to take us through some safety measures required during this period of Covid 19 pandemic cases.

I think we all need to have the knowledge that corona virus has always been, examples are SARs (severe acute respiratory syndrome )and MERs (middle  East  respiratory syndrome ) 2002 and 2012 respectively.  Covid 19 is just a modified edition of  SARs and syptoms includes fever, cough and difficulties in breathing.

  • What we need in this period is to adhere to proper hygiene. Proper hand wash with soap and water or use of alcohol rub such as sanitizer.
  • When you cough cover your mouth with toilet roll or cough into the corner of your elbow.
  • When you notice any symptoms related to common cold, please use face mask when outside.
  • Wash your foods and fruit thoroughly.
  • Cook your foods thoroughly.
  • Stay hydrated always.
  • Take enough healthy fruit and eat balance diet to boost your immune system.
  • Don’t panic but rather adhere to proper hygiene and stay informed.

Neither vaccine nor drug is yet to be discovered. Iyabode Eniola Lateef

For this terrible disease not to spread all over the world and wiped out the generation of humanity, Government in most countries of the world engage in what is called LOCK DOWN and STAY AT HOME. This order had led to shutting down of religious centres mosques and churches inclusive. For our safety we have stylishly out of fear make God number two. It’s not a wise step to take.

Let the God of the people safe them, this is the time to know the real God. We have heard of HIV Aids terminal stage healed, we’ve heard of cancer cleared, sickle cell anaemia healed and very many other terminal disease destroyed in the religious centres. Not that we have heard only, many of us are also beneficiary of this, so my appeal is Let all religious centres including churches returned and let’s see the true God. Moreso the government should not entertain any fear in doing this because the present steps can failed at any time.

Shutting down churches is not helping (me) at all. Shutting down religious centres only proved the faith of our leaders and the standing of all citizens, their are African countries that shut down every other things except churches. Where is our Faith if we have to turn away from Zion for safety in Egypt.

Something Terrible happened to me Yesterday(March 27/2020)

I woke up coughing seriously, as I got out people began to avoid me, I quickly carry my Bible and left for church. When I got to the gate of the big church I attend I remembered the bad sight I saw in the night; I was eating coconut (in the night dream.) The worse of it was that the security turned me back, I told the security guard that I want to pray on the altar or around the premises yet he refused, he said if I allowed you other security men are in there to send you out.

Normally if I suffer any terrible thing, the moment I get to the altar of our church I will be healed.

So I turned back, about 5km home. Before I got home headache and body pain had joined the cough so I knelt down before my little altar in my room and prayed, partook of the blood and flesh of Jesus… immediately all the pains and coughing ceased.

The locking of churches has more disadvantages than advantages. It will lead to increase of the Virus as people’s spiritual ability are becoming more deadening than expected and God’s gathering are sidelined, even God is never in support of anything against coming together to worship. In this terrible time God remains the only answer.

We (Christians) are instructed from the following scriptures Matthew 12:31-37 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men... Once the church activities are ordered by the Government or the communities then the shepherd is going against the Holyspirit. The holy Spirit has Do’s and Don’t when you don’t do it as it leads or says then doom is ahead. You will always suffer for turning away from God’s instruction. Chruch is the Light in the midst of Darkness. The presence of churches in any community serves as the protection over such community. Read Psalm 132:13-16, John 17:14 In the midst of plague and Insecurities, no man can safe himself. Proverbs 21:31 says The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.

Nothing can secure you if God don’t safe you, but if you go against the HolySpirit because of what may be going on in town, then you have issues with your sender. Remember what the word of God said in 2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. So even in this period of this pandemic outbreak, let us come boldly to the throne of grace in full assurance of faith Habrew 4:14-16.

I wish I will be heard and express myself better.

 Ayonitemi Ayodele

