Next Free Computer Training

My name is Ayonitemi Ayodele the privileged instructor of AZCT and missionary by the calling of God to take my job to Zion.

I invite you to the next level of grace and anointing with God. There are men of light and there are men of greater light and yet there are men that seem to be light carrier in all aspect. Our God is all encompassing and his word is relevant to every aspect of life till today.

Here in this place today God is looking for those he will turn himself on in them, to a greater level such that they will be relevant in all field of human endeavours. The next AZCT free computer training will offered you that great opportunity and you will begin to enjoy Divine Accuracy, Divine Illumination, Ever In the Light, Never Confused, Depth About Many Years To Come, Ruling By Knowledge In Every Place, Divine And Dangerous, Knowing How To Turn God On Anywhere.

Therefore the next AZCT free computer training is titled EDUCATION from Isaiah 50:4 The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.

You have a whole lot to benefits as you serve God in this program. Many were educated with nothing to show, some are yet to be educated to the level they expected because no help was forth-coming for them. Some are running their education with a whole lot of struggle yet in AZCT EDUCATION God has reserved solution to all illiteracy and education crisis. God bless you.

If you are interested in serving with us, kindly send your letter of interest to or contact us on this website/App


Psalm 45, Isaiah 50:4


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