This training was a very great one that God use to correct the wrongs and placed AZCT back on the right platform. My health was challenged, the training was almost off but God in his infinite mercy stepped-in and cause his glorious voice to be noise abroad. All Glory to God. I have here some exciting pictures from the classes and their graduation ceremony. Ayonitemi Ayodele (The Instructor)










Thanks to God for making it possible for me to be part of AZCT HIGHERWAY and also our instructor, he has been hard-working and hates lazy people. He’s a godly person and teaches with fun and meaningful examples, only if you don’t listen to what he is teaching that is when you won’t understand what he’s teaching. Also before I joined  my throat use to scratch me but when we fasted and I prayed, it stopped. Rukayat Sanni Adio

Now I believed and have greater faith in the word of God via this  AZCT HIGHERWAY training. More so the Lord healed my Father during our fasting and prayer. Eritomisin Akinola Akintomiwa

When I first came, it was Uncle Emmanuel that first thought us that day but told us that Uncle Ayonitemi will be coming, because he wasn’t feeling too well. When I finally met him and he teaches us, his teaching was an interesting day for me. Since that day I don’t like to miss class every day. So glory be to God, I am part of AZCT HIGHERWAY student. Israel Success

God has used Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele’s teachings for me because it changes my life for good. Through his teaching I gave my Life to Christ and became born again, it helps me in my studies, home and every place I went to. He’s teaching help me to remove myself from danger and be careful of friends a lot. Uncle Ayo God will give you more wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Jesus name. God changed my Life a lot in this AZCT HIGHERWAY fasting and prayer. He blesses my family and I was able to pay for all dues and will be graduating, all glory to God, assuming I’m not still a student, what I will do for AZCT will be mind-blowing but I am still a student, I pray God bless me. I will still do it.  Iretomiwa Sekoni

Well I have experienced a lot of Change of story through uncle Ayonitemi’s teachings and God has used him for me.  On the first day I came to this training I never expect anything like devotion though I usually jot it, even my mates asked me why Do I have? To write the devotion out; me looking up to God’s word knew that without his word, I won’t be able to learn all things that I have been thought. I encountered so many blessings. My Mum was a manager at a table water company, but the owner travelled to London with his family and shut down the company so my mum was left with no job. Then I took one Voices From Zion home and gave it to her, after she read it she decided to look for job at a chips and pastry company, and she was employed as casual worker, but each time I appear in the class I normally pray for my her kneeling down with that same Voices From Zion Bulletin in My Hand to pray with it. Two weeks later, my mother was promoted from casual worker to a supervisor. Also anytime I don’t understand a particular topic thought in the class, I will go home by the following morning I will understood it perfectly without anyone teaching me or practical because God will show it to me in my dreams.  God has really used Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele for me because through AZCT HIGHERWAY fasting every topic I was thought became simple for me. I never had the sickness of my eyes scratching me and even turning me to the extent of almost falling anymore. I will never forget AZCT HIGHERWAY, if God blesses me, I will sponsor new students and acquire more computers for AZCT. Ngozi Rachael Chinanza

This Testimony was about my dream life. Most time when I close my eyes to sleep, dreaming. Sometimes I see myself cooking, another time sharing food and most times eating in the dream, this thing happened continuously for two months. I complained to my mum, she counsel me to pray more and be careful of friends; I tried but was all to no avail. One day I woke up after eating in the dream and very angry about the food I ate. Then I prayed and told God to show me what to do about this eating in dream. During AZCT HIGHERWAY fasting and prayers, when I slept in the night, I dreamt when they were sharing food, when it was almost my turn I got up and went to where my father was sitting, then when they brought the food to me there, I told them that I don’t want to eat in the dream and I didn’t collect the food. When I woke up, I was very surprised and happy because since that time, I don’t eat in the dream again. My experience in this training was very interesting. I Love the way the training goes in Christian way.  It allows us to meditate God’s word the Holy Bible more and helped my prayer life. Also I Love the Monday preaching and prayers going on and the instructor jokes a lot.  Onah Maryann

Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele teachings are very fantastic; he preaches about daily life, fault in past mistakes, preach on the word of Christ. His preaching are always inspiring, true and real. The true gospel of Christ. God has really used him for us, teaching us and inspiring more knowledge to the little we had, it’s really a great job to teach the gospel and the knowledge of Computer, impacting our lives. God has used his prayers and teaching to furnish our home and protecting us. Before this training I was nothing in the knowledge of computer but now I can type, prepare a standard document, and do spreadsheet calculation among very many others. One thing God also did for me was that I couldn’t fast a whole day before but in this training God empowered me to fast a whole day without any pain, it was an easy one. Ajike Samuel Bamidele.

I love social media? Social media used by people to promote their talents, business religion e.t.c Social media has become money making, fame striking and information bar for many around the globe. Though is for everyone yet it should be used for positive impact. That was just few of what I learnt in AZCT HIGHERWAY. Actually in school I hated the subject ‘computer’ I even hated writing the notes but now God have used Master Ayonitemi Ayodele to show me the benefits in computer knowledge. I thank God for master in my life. Also my prayers were answered during AZCT HIGHERWAY Fasting and prayers.

I know that in my field I will be dealing with a lot of calculations and spreadsheet and I have learnt ahead in this training. Through him Uncle Ayonitemi Ayodele. God made me a new creature by his word and now my life has changed. I now understood new things and can no longer be surprised what others do. God also show me some mercies such that in school I understood all things we are been thought. I will venture into making AZCT practical easier by providing more systems when I grow up.  Hannah Ajibola.

Firstly thanks be to God that make me learn at his feet in AZCT HIGHERWAY especially with Mr Ayo. It has been so great for me learning under him because is a hardworking person and doesn’t get along with unserious students. He’s a godly person that doesn’t cherish ungodliness. He uses educative example in his teaching, only if you are not paying attention that is when you will not get what he’s teaching.  My name is Issa Sanni Adio before I joined this AZCT HIGHERWAY I do have teeth problem/ teeth ache (in Yoruba it’s called Akokoro) and since the day I pray about it in this training during our fasting and prayer, I discovered that it was gone and I was finally healed. If God bless me I will support AZCT with needed equipment and facilities.  Issa Sanni Adio



To Join AZCT Crew, please contact the Instructor Ayonitemi Ayodele (Ayonimyte) On

Telephone: +2348035014557, +2348056063771


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