Today’s meeting was great and awesome, we had a good time together, in-fact I’m impressed to receive aunty-Esther. T; She’s just a Loving Heart. She promoted AZCT with her testimony, finance and morally, she is rear among so many AZCT Participants. This lady is a jewel of inestimable value, very understanding and Godly too. I’m blessed having her around today. Just as we conclude in the meeting today Tuesday 21/January/2020 that

  1. We will be creating a platform on our website (and social apps) where all-past AZCT participant can be carried along and be notified about the needs/program schedule of AZCT and how to be a blessing. (It’s coming soon)
  2. All of us in the board meeting and our good Loving Past students to connect with People and Organisations that can support us with either used or new computer systems and other needed computer training accessories.
  3. Giving to AZCT is like giving to Church because AZCT is neither an organisation nor an idea but a gospel Outreach ministry established by our heavenly father, the Chief Host of the Angels of Heaven, God himself. Therefore we are not looking for sponsors as God cannot be sponsored; but we are seeking for co-labourers in the vine yard who believed in raising Godly hands for this generation and coming generation.

AZCT: Is a Church based Computer Training Institute, would you Love to Join our workforce?

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