🔊 Listen to Article as Audio SAFE SEX Without sexual intercourse procreation is doomed. Without sexual intercourse in marital relationship, their can’t be satisfaction and peace. Sex is safe in marriage but very destructive outside marriage. DURING SEX Before...


🔊 Listen to Article as Audio CHILDREN OF PROMISE Everyone on the earth is created in God's image Genesis 1:26. Every one man on the earth today came into this world through a woman, born into a family. Everyone has a name by which they are called. God founded...


🔊 Listen to Article as Audio GOD IS HERE It's a common saying among God's people that 'divine presence makes all the difference, Yes! That is true. Where you are determines what is available to you. What you are will help your understanding of your possession....


🔊 Listen to Article as Audio I CAN NOT BE POOR 2 Cor 8:9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. You can not be poor in Jesus name. You are not...

A Gospel Minister’s Experience 1

I can never forget the day a lady died in my house, March 27, 2019 was a day loaded with awesome surprises and I stilled wondered how God bailed me out of it. I lived in a compound where people referred to me as Pastor because I always pray and talk to people about...
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