It’s Obvious

It's obvious that you can't live a GOOD-LIFE without commitment to self. It's revealing that you can't be great and be the best among equals without discipline. It's hard to believed that without yielding totally to the principle of Jesus Christ, you can't make...

Do’s and Don’t In God’s Presence

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio Don’t dress to kill to Church; if your dressing is termed ‘Sexy ‘ it means you are going to hell fire. Don’t put your two hands inside your pockets while praying inside the church or in the midst of people praying. Don’t focus on a...

Striking Statements

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio Striking Statements  The great Killers of all times are those (Couples) madly in Love. You are not made for struggles; by practicing God’s Word and giving heed to his sayings your struggles will cease from existing That some ladies...

When Meeting

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio When Meeting Husband and Wife Matters: Genesis 30:34-43 During Sex, Let your focus be on the man or the woman you are in it together, never be absent minded in sexual intercourse, otherwise your child will look like who or what you...

My Definition Of Love:

My Definition Of Love: Love is helping someone you have capacity and less capacity to help. • Love is make someone happy that is not happy or having trouble of heart. • Love is showing genuine concern coming from a heart that cares. • Love is when you chose to abide...


🔊 Listen to Article as Audio THE WAY OF THE SEDUCERS It’s good to note that God’s ways are higher ways and may not agree with ordinary human sense. In fact it takes the man of the spirit to know the whiles of the devil. The devil came in form of serpent to...
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