Your answer is sure because today you shall be heard. Hebrew 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. let’s begin by looking at

  1. Time of Need: yes everyone of us will surely fall into one need or the other. The time of need is what happens to every man. There are times you need healings, money, provisions, promotions, and breakthrough. There are times that what you need are not in handle able format but an experience such as Anointing, Divine intervention, peace favour and their are needs that are between life and death such that if you didn’t get it at the time you needed it then end of living has come. A man in an aeroplane that is about o crash, ship that is about to wreck, vehicle on motion that has lost control, a man or woman in a burning house needed urgent help. Secondly let’s look at
  2. The Throne Of Grace: It’s not a chapel or physical altar built somewhere. The throne of grace in this context is coming to the place of prayers; communion with God. At the accident scene you can come boldly to the throne of grace. You don’t have to go to a physical mountain somewhere (which is not bad, it isn’t an error) but you can call on the Almighty God right there. It has been noted that the reason we suffer for long time is because we won’t do the needful.

If you can approach your God, with the fullness of your faith and pure heart; God will turn things around for you. I decree from today when you call on him he will answer you with speed in Jesus name. Whatever stands between you and God is uprooted in Jesus name. We must always note that God is always waiting for our call to pick. Calling on God proved that you regard him, if you don’t regard him as your saviour, he can’t save you. Calling on God in time of need proved that you trusted him with your life. Prayers are what both saints and sinners resorts to in time of need; for a sinner to be forgiven he must pray and for saint to be rescue he need to pray also. Because prayers is the communication link between God and man.  There are two paramount things to obtain in prayers:

MERCY: though you did it but because God came to the scene then you are pardoned. Your mess up is cleared off by His mercy. God’s Mercy is so great no man can unravel it, that’s why he does bring us out of evil we brought upon ourselves. When Sinners prays, they obtain Mercy but when saints prayed they obtain Grace. Woman of the Canaanite did something in Matthew 15:21-28.

GRACE: Is God’s ability to carry out a particular task. When Grace flow divine accomplishment come to place. Romans 6:1-3 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? *God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? *Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? at that point sin will go off you. That’s the reason sin is intentional not unintentional. Every child of God has the Grace not to allow sin John 5:14 even if you do, you can quickly recover yourself. 1Corinthians 15:10    But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

You achieve more than others not because you are stronger than them but because of Grace at work. Minus Grace you will get to know how weak you are. When we call on God, Grace is released. I pray for you, you shall not fail destiny in Jesus name.

Inspirational Thought Published by Ayonimyte Zion Fellowship.

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