It’s real that our world is affected by the deadly disease called Corona Virus. Many countries had not find solution to it, the number of infected people increased on daily basis. An infectious disease that has led to lockdown of many business ventures can not be a...


WHO ARE YOU? Take a deep breath before you answer that question because who you are is more than the name you are called, your address or the way you are addressed, why? Those things you do perfectly in the secret add up to the answer of the question WHO ARE YOU? You...

Striking Statements

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio Striking Statements  The great Killers of all times are those (Couples) madly in Love. You are not made for struggles; by practicing God’s Word and giving heed to his sayings your struggles will cease from existing That some ladies...

Our Girls

🔊 Listen to Article as Audio Our Girls Psalm 45: 1-2, 9-10 You are welcome to this palace of rare knowledge. Our Girls I want you to consider the following points before you step into sexual intercourse: How will you feel when he later dropped you for another...


🔊 Listen to Article as Audio IN SEARCH OF MY DAMSEL. And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. Genesis 24:16 This title may sound funny to some of us;...
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